No matter what industry you're in, you've probably experienced that spell of time where you just don't feel motivated to do any work. I have found this to be especially true during the job search process. One week I find myself motivated to network like crazy, write cover letters and resumes for a million different jobs, and tackle volunteer and side projects on the side. Other weeks... well... I find it taxing to open up my computer and respond to an email.
In the past when these slow weeks happened, I would get mad at myself for not doing more instead of finding a way to get out of the rut or embracing the break that I needed.
I wanted to share some ways that I have found to help me maintain more consistent motivation and inspiration without feeling burnt out. Hopefully, this helps anyone who finds themselves in ruts and not sure how to get out of them.
1. Set up a consistent and realistic schedule
If I'm being completely honest, this has always been the hardest thing for me to get right. I am the type of person who likes to fill their day with as much productivity as I can, and more times than not will find myself aiming for quantity over quality (<-- BAD!). After experiencing one too many burnouts, I realized that I needed to be better with my time. Now, I block out time in my schedule each day, or week, to work on certain projects or accomplish different tasks. This consistent schedule has not only given me a routine that I can follow, but it has substantially improved the quality of my work because I'm not trying to accomplish ten things at a time.
2. Take breaks throughout the day
This a big one. As a creative, it's easy to find yourself staring at a screen for hours at a time to finally be snapped out of it from the grumbling in your stomach because you missed your lunch break. When you start to block out times to work on specific tasks, don't forget to block out time to go for a walk, do a yoga video, or something else that is unrelated to your work. This is a great way to clear your head and come back to your work refreshed and ready to go.
3. Do projects/hobbies that you love to do
It's not fun to only work on projects for your employer, or your educational program, especially in a creative role. Working on fun projects that you truly enjoy will remind you why you wanted to be a creative in the first place!
4. Be intentional with your time
This relates quite a bit to the first point, but being intentional with your time will help your overall productivity. If you blocked out time to work on a volunteer project, then make sure you're giving your full attention to the project during that time. Put your phone in a different room, set your computer on Do Not Disturb, and play your favorite motivational playlist or podcast. The more intentional you are with your designated working time, the more you'll be able to enjoy your free time!
5. Take care of your mental health
If there's one thing you take from this article, I hope it's this. If you feel like you need to take a break from your job search, your work, or whatever it is that is overwhelming you, take the break! There's no shame in giving yourself the time you need to rest, recharge, and get back up and running. This is a subject that isn't encouraged or talked about enough in the ever-demanding workforce, and we should all be turning that narrative around to avoid burnout or far worse mental health issues.
It's so easy to find yourself unmotivated, no matter what you're trying to accomplish. Knowing how to get out of the rut and how to take care of yourself is what's important.
Do you have certain things you do to get your motivation back? Send me a message and let me know!
- Kaity
